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Florence Ambrose Maid Outfit Fanart



I decided over the weekend to work some fanart for one of my favorite webcomics, Freefall, due to recent events in the comic. This was the result. For those of you who do not read Freefall, I'd recommend you do! It's a long-running series (over 2000 pages spanning 13 years) and one of the principle inspirations for me as a comic artist. However, to give a little context:

Florence Ambrose is a member of a genetically engineered species known as a Bowman's Wolf. While entirely biological, her brain is designed with human safeguards in place, just as it is with synthetic AIs. One of these safeguards includes obeying direct orders from humans of authority. This becomes a problem when she is ordered to wear a french maid outfit [link] and an even bigger problem when she is later ordered to stop. [link]

If you would like to read the comic in its entirety, it can be found here: [link]

Florence Ambrose and Freefall are owned by Mark Stanley.

(And I am quite aware my version of Flo looks a lot like Natani in my style. I tried to avoid it, but in the end, they are both upright brown wolves with hair. =D )
Image size
1200x1000px 208.21 KB
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